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hello,everyone,welcome to my class.first,I will have an introduction about myself,OK,my english name is cic y CC. OK,so you can call me teacher.sissy,whereas hello,everyone,you should say hello,sissy,OK,let's have a try.

hello everyone,hello CC x word,OK,欢迎宝贝们来到CC老师的英语。小课堂OK,那今天呢?大家将和CC老师一起开启我们的英语学习之旅。OK,希望宝贝们在CC老师的课堂上think well坐,端正listen carefully认真的听讲。积极的参与和老师的互动,好不好?OK,那你们准备好了吗?准备好了没有?

和老师一起开启我们的英语学习吧OK now let's see the first picture。this is quas mother,right? OK,together read after me mother.mother.mmm嗯嗯嗯哦VC啊啊啊。so together嗯啊么great again嗯啊么。th th zzz请你轻咬舌尖。好,这只手可以摸摸自己的喉咙,这里声带这里有没有震动哎?如果震动了哎,你的发音就是。正确的啊。嗯嗯嗯。

er vz啊啊啊,打嗝音啊,打嗝啊啊啊,嫂子啊。得together,妈的mother。MA the mother,okay,again,let's read the word mother.mother.excellent,okay,so mother we can also say mom to get her mom.mmm.

嗯嗯嗯you we say啊啊啊so嗯arm mom to get her嗯arm。mom.well done,OK嗯,mother and mom,let's have a practice,I say mother,you say mom。I say,mom,you say mother clear,OK,let's have a try mother.mother.mom.

mother.mom.mom.great,OK,now I have got a question,so what does your mother like?for example,what color does your mother like?妈妈喜欢什么颜色啊?she likes yellow axles. he likes oh pink,she likes blue great.she likes green,she likes red OK,excellent MM and what food does she like?

他喜欢什么食物呢?she likes apples great,she likes.a慢goes excellent,I guess she likes strawberries well done,OK,now let's see next person.who's he do? you know he's c.father yes,great okay to get her father.father well done ff f.fff.还跟着CC老师一起做起来啊a was AH,it's a long sound,这是一个长音啊。

啊,发together。啊发。well done thuzzweroc呃呃呃嫂子呃。the together farther farther.发the father,我要讲OK father together,read after me again father。father excellent OK now,father we can call him dead together dead.dad,我要讲滴滴滴的的的爱骑马啊,滴滴滴的的的。哎,乌贼哎哎哎。

嘴巴张大啊,大概两指的宽度啊,哎哎哎得哎得。dad.the AD dad will done OK now,I say father,you say dad,I say dad,you say father clear.let's have a try be loud,OK ay,father.dad,dad.father dad,father OK,yes,great,you say father dad,right?OK,well done,非常棒啊。OK,now let's see. so do you know what does he like? what does your father like?he likes football WOW excellent,OK? he likes basketball bravo,OK?he likes running OK,我叫嗯,he likes eating OK,excellent now was gone。how about next picture? what can you see?this is queen's brother. okay,follow me,brother.brother well done,OK,we are with a bro bro bro.always a ah AH AH zebra ahb rah.the啊,the together brother brother brother well done。brother brother excellent OK,so have you got a brother?yes or no?

yes or no?你有哥哥或者弟弟吗?oh,maybe yes,maybe no,OK,never mind CC hasn't got a brother,CC老师啊,也没有弟弟或者是妹妹的啊。OK,and if you have got a brother,do you know what does he like?如果有弟弟或者哥哥的宝宝,哎,想一下你知不知道他们喜欢什么呀?

he likes playing a game,嗯,我要讲。huh?he likes reading books,excellent,OK,非常棒啊!OK,now let's go on。有了哥哥哎,或者弟弟就会有什么?妹妹或者是姐姐excellent,how to say the word together?sister well does very easy right sss.

还蛇矮。OK iiioceee so together,ec.嗯,sister to get her sister。it's this tata sister.excellent OK sister means妹妹或者是姐姐啊,have you got a sister?那刚刚没有这个弟弟或者哥哥的宝宝们,有没有这个妹妹或者姐姐呀?oh,yes,OK,great。嗯,no,right。OK,有宝宝依然说,哎,我没有妹妹或者姐姐的OK,never mind CC hasn't got a sister。c子老师也没有哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹的啊OK perfect now,if you have got a sister。what does she like,哎,如果你有这个。妹妹的或者姐姐的,哎,知道他们喜欢什么吗?

啊she likes drawing pictures by奥斯王画画。she likes.dancing OK,喜欢跳舞well done。perfect非常棒啊OK now let's go on how about next picture what can we see我们看到了谁呀?who's he he's grandfather together read of me grandfather.grandfather well done,grand grand.father to get her grandfather well done,OK,这里的d呀,也可以是不发音的啊。so we can say grandfather. we can also say grandfather.有没有这个d的音都没关系的啊?OK,那我to get her grandfather grandfather。grandfather,grandfather,well done,OK,and we can also say grandpa.爷爷或者外公也可以被称作为grandpa grandpa。grandpa clear OK,记住了没有grandpa。well done,OK,now I say grandfather,you say grandpa,I say grandpa,you say grandfather.

okay,let's have a try grandfather.grandpa.grandfather.grandpa.excellent OK,非常棒,so do you know what does your grandfather like?嗯,for example,that's he like running。does he like walking the dog,他喜欢遛狗吗?does he like cleaning the cage,喜欢擦笼子吗?

还擦鸟笼吗?然后改。does he like嗯washing dishes喜不喜欢洗碗,or maybe yes,maybe no OK never mind。now,what's gone? how about next picture? who's she?she's grandmother yes great again. grandmother read me grandmother.grandmother hex LAN要给grandmother,grandmother。哎,这里的d呀,依然是可以不发音的啊,grandmother OK,we can also say grandma to get her。

grandma.grandma,grandma,grandma.excellent,OK,now I say grandmother,you say grandma,I say grandma,you say grandmother,OK,let's have a try.grandma grandmother.grandma.excellent OK well done,非常棒啊,so what does your grandmother like?does she like cooking?喜欢做饭吗?OK,does she like talking with you?哎,喜不喜欢和你聊天?yes,great,okay,well done. now let's see the picture we have,father.mother.grandfather,

grandmother,brother,sister,so this is AH.family together read after me family.family.great OK啊,有哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹,还有爷爷奶奶,外公外婆,爸爸妈妈组成了家庭啊,the family means。家庭家OK。嗯OK好,那今天呢?

let's have a review啊,和老师一起来复习一下,the first one how to read it。grandpa yes,great okay嗯,grandpa we can also say grandfather read me grandfather。grandfather well done OK,非常棒啊!so grandpa grandfather means爷爷啊!或者是外公。next picture,do you know the word?she's a yes great okay grandma to get her grandma.grandma嗯,grandma的意思。

奶奶we can also say grandmother to get her grandmother。well done非常棒啊,奶奶或者是外婆,how about next picture,how to read the word?you say mother to get her mother.excellent,i'll get mother,mother we can also say mom to get her mom.嗯,我要加OK妈妈。嗯,有了妈妈,自然有爸爸,so how do you say the word with a father together father?

father嗯,father,we can also say dead together dead。well done,OK嗯,and next word how to read it,you can say brother together。brother.brother.excellent OK brother means.哥哥或者是弟弟嗯,那妹妹或者是姐姐we can stay sister together。sister.sister.excellent OK嗯,and you right好组成了一个family特别的family。well done,OK ay,perfect。嗯,有grandpa and grandma's children。maybe we can all them mother or father哎,爷爷奶奶哎,他们的外公外婆,他们的孩子叫做什么?mother或者是father,right?OK,那爸爸妈妈哎生的宝宝还就是你的哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹,还有你了,right?OK brother,sister and you,哈哈,OK,我要加now,let's have some practice。so look at the pictures and.please tell me who are they?谢谢小妹。OK,actually they are my family,so I will show you some pictures and try to.say the sentence OK,so the first picture can you tell me who's she?

she is my mother,yes,great OK好,不要直接告诉老师,mother尝试着用句子来告诉老师OK?so how about next picture can you tell me?who's he?bravo,he's my father. well done,OK,now let's go. how about next person?who's she,他是谁呢?she's my.sister excellent OK,用句子来说非常棒OK,she is my sister。how about next person who's he?is my.brother yes,great OK,how about next person? can you tell me?who's she?she's my grandmother,yes,excellent,OK,and the last person.who's he?is my.

grandfather well done,okay,so this is a family. now let's go on,let's have more practice.so we can see the sentence. this is a photo of my blood,a mother.b found.c sister d bro there grand mother f.grandfather g family OK,so abcdefg make a choice which one is right.哪一个才是正确的呢?yes,great,i can we choose family啊?这是一张关于我家庭的照片。

sog is right。now let's go up。how about next sentence?my block is eighty seven years old,老师先不给你看图,你来选选看。a mother b father.c sister d grandmother.诶,要学会到问句问题当中去找到关键词啊,找到了关键词,我们的答案就轻而易举的知道了。OK TV have a check,我们一起来检查一下哎,你刚刚猜的对不对啊?

OK,look at the picture。dis right OK啊,他的年龄有87岁,那你看一下爸爸妈妈啊,还有妹妹跟这个姐姐。以及奶奶哪一个可能是这个年龄呀啊?dis right OK,你看后边是个。my blood is six years old,have a guess.也是来猜一下啊a mother bfa the rc brother d grandfather。six years old,yes,great,

OK,we choose cis,right?应该选择的是z这个选项。因为只有六岁嘛,对不对?妈妈和爸爸还有爷爷哎,怎么可能只有六岁呢?哎,六岁是做不了爸爸妈妈或者爷爷的。right? OK,let's go out.how about next sentence I love my.mother,so can you spell mother?

那这回来考我们的拼写了,来abcd,which one is right?sorry,OK,so we choose.啊a is right OK 5啊妈呃呃the mother。right?OK mother,注意好拼写mother mother,OK?how about next?my blood is eighty eight years old.how to spell grandfather?想一想,grandfather是怎么拼写的?yes,great I get which cis right grand grand.father,father,OK,perfect嗯,如果还没有的话,宝贝们记得要好好的巩固以上。look at the picture and choose ABC,which one is right.OK,我们来看一下。who's he,他是谁呢?

a brother bfa the rc mother look at the picture.he's a慢,right?这是一个男的,so can we choose see?no,we should say bye bye to mother,right?啊,我们首先要把c给排除掉,那a和b好,我们可以看到这幅图片cl意见是爸爸对吧?so we choose bis right father is right.brother是什么意思啊?弟弟或者是哥哥啊,弟弟哥哥还没有长大呢啊,没有这个图片看上去那么成熟so he is。father right,OK,how about next picture? let's see the picture and choose ABC,which one is right.a brother b sister.cm other which one is right,make your choice.yes,great,I guess cis right,look at the picture first,we should say bye bye to a brother.because.

she's a girl,right哈,这是一个女的,so we can't choose brother啊,我们应该选择的是。b和c当中的一个,那可以看图哎,这个人啊,年纪是比较大的,so we choose mother。OK,how about next one? look at the picture,a fat herb mother.c sister,which one is right?

can you have a guess那猜猜看诶,这道题目哪一个选项是正确的?yes,great OK,都选对了没有?we should see is right,OK?first we should say bye bye to father,right?OK,she's a girl。这是一个女孩子啊,不能选择a。首先咱们就把a爸爸给排除掉了。OK,好,来,接下来我们一起来看一下,这里应该选择的是sister,这里还是一个小女孩,对吧?年纪比较小so we choose。sister好,非常棒啊,那如果有错误的宝宝,OK,how do you spell father?can you have a try?a EU,which one is missing?

到底是哪一个字母丢了呢?how to spell father?OK,well done,we choose a is right,AH,right啊,far呃,the。a is missing啊,字母a丢失了,so we choose a OK father。father OK来最后一题,我们来选择一下brother。how do you spell brother?

到底是ur还是er还是ir呢?make your choice.做出你的选择吧。esg re a toker is righter VC呃呃呃我们的打隔音你还记得吗?the呃the brother好注意好它的拼写是er不是ur也不是ir。明白了没有?OK好,好,我们一起再来复习一下,let's have a review,so do you remember how to say爷爷爷怎么说的?we say grandfather,yes,great OK,grandfather,那我们也可以叫做grandpa together。grandpa.excellent非常棒啊,那奶奶呢?会say grandmother to get her grandmother。grandmother.嗯,we can also say grandma to get her grandma。well done,okay,非常棒啊嗯。那爸爸怎么说啊?we say father。father yes,great,I给you宝贝已经抢答了,还可以叫做dead together dead。dad.嗯,father dad,那妈妈we can say mother to get her mother。mother well done also call her mom right again to get her mom.mom,well done.非常棒啊OK,那我们学习了哥哥或者弟弟we call him brother to get her brother。brother.well done,那这个妹妹或者是姐姐呢?sister great OK,

sister.sister.嗯,那这么些个人哎,组成了一个家庭,对吧?how do you say the word?family.family.嗯,非常棒啊,那我们这节课哎,它们是什么意思?啊,它们是怎么发音的?

我们的这个发音哈要正确掌握它正确的发音。不给那。通过刚刚的一些练习,对吧,如果以上诶这三点你还没有做到的。宝宝,那你可以下课的时候。嗯,好好的复习,巩固一下,把这些知识掌握到位。OK好,那关于今天这节课的内容,我们就上到这里了OK and do you remember?what's my english name,你们还记得我的英文名字吗?啊,是字母什么CC yes great OK my english name is CC。好,那在下节课上呢?依然是CC老师继续带领你们一起学习,好,要做好准备哦。好,好的,准备好了的宝宝呢诶,可以下节课继续跟CC老师一起好好上课哦。OK好,下节课我依然会考你啊,我的名字是什么的,所以请你们牢牢的记住哦。OK,小o,see you next time I say bye bye,you can say bye bye。hi sissy,OK,so let's have a try。拜拜,you can say bye bye。sissy has great,OK?so see you next time,拜拜。OK,拜拜。hello,everyone,welcome to my class.first,I will have an introduction about myself,OK,my english name is cic y CC. OK,so you can call me teacher.sissy,whereas hello,everyone,you should say hello,sissy,OK,let's have a try.

hello everyone,hello CC x word,OK,欢迎宝贝们来到CC老师的英语。小课堂OK,那今天呢?大家将和CC老师一起开启我们的英语学习之旅。OK,希望宝贝们在CC老师的课堂上think well坐,端正listen carefully认真的听讲。积极的参与和老师的互动,好不好?OK,那你们准备好了吗?准备好了没有?

和老师一起开启我们的英语学习吧OK now let's see the first picture。this is quas mother,right? OK,together read after me mother.mother.mmm嗯嗯嗯哦VC啊啊啊。so together嗯啊么great again嗯啊么。th th zzz请你轻咬舌尖。好,这只手可以摸摸自己的喉咙,这里声带这里有没有震动哎?如果震动了哎,你的发音就是。正确的啊。嗯嗯嗯。

er vz啊啊啊,打嗝音啊,打嗝啊啊啊,嫂子啊。得together,妈的mother。MA the mother,okay,again,let's read the word mother.mother.excellent,okay,so mother we can also say mom to get her mom.mmm.

嗯嗯嗯you we say啊啊啊so嗯arm mom to get her嗯arm。mom.well done,OK嗯,mother and mom,let's have a practice,I say mother,you say mom。I say,mom,you say mother clear,OK,let's have a try mother.mother.mom.

mother.mom.mom.great,OK,now I have got a question,so what does your mother like?for example,what color does your mother like?妈妈喜欢什么颜色啊?she likes yellow axles. he likes oh pink,she likes blue great.she likes green,she likes red OK,excellent MM and what food does she like?

他喜欢什么食物呢?she likes apples great,she likes.a慢goes excellent,I guess she likes strawberries well done,OK,now let's see next person.who's he do? you know he's c.father yes,great okay to get her father.father well done ff f.fff.还跟着CC老师一起做起来啊a was AH,it's a long sound,这是一个长音啊。

啊,发together。啊发。well done thuzzweroc呃呃呃嫂子呃。the together farther farther.发the father,我要讲OK father together,read after me again father。father excellent OK now,father we can call him dead together dead.dad,我要讲滴滴滴的的的爱骑马啊,滴滴滴的的的。哎,乌贼哎哎哎。

嘴巴张大啊,大概两指的宽度啊,哎哎哎得哎得。dad.the AD dad will done OK now,I say father,you say dad,I say dad,you say father clear.let's have a try be loud,OK ay,father.dad,dad.father dad,father OK,yes,great,you say father dad,right?OK,well done,非常棒啊。OK,now let's see. so do you know what does he like? what does your father like?he likes football WOW excellent,OK? he likes basketball bravo,OK?he likes running OK,我叫嗯,he likes eating OK,excellent now was gone。how about next picture? what can you see?this is queen's brother. okay,follow me,brother.brother well done,OK,we are with a bro bro bro.always a ah AH AH zebra ahb rah.the啊,the together brother brother brother well done。brother brother excellent OK,so have you got a brother?yes or no?

yes or no?你有哥哥或者弟弟吗?oh,maybe yes,maybe no,OK,never mind CC hasn't got a brother,CC老师啊,也没有弟弟或者是妹妹的啊。OK,and if you have got a brother,do you know what does he like?如果有弟弟或者哥哥的宝宝,哎,想一下你知不知道他们喜欢什么呀?

he likes playing a game,嗯,我要讲。huh?he likes reading books,excellent,OK,非常棒啊!OK,now let's go on。有了哥哥哎,或者弟弟就会有什么?妹妹或者是姐姐excellent,how to say the word together?sister well does very easy right sss.

还蛇矮。OK iiioceee so together,ec.嗯,sister to get her sister。it's this tata sister.excellent OK sister means妹妹或者是姐姐啊,have you got a sister?那刚刚没有这个弟弟或者哥哥的宝宝们,有没有这个妹妹或者姐姐呀?oh,yes,OK,great。嗯,no,right。OK,有宝宝依然说,哎,我没有妹妹或者姐姐的OK,never mind CC hasn't got a sister。c子老师也没有哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹的啊OK perfect now,if you have got a sister。what does she like,哎,如果你有这个。妹妹的或者姐姐的,哎,知道他们喜欢什么吗?

啊she likes drawing pictures by奥斯王画画。she likes.dancing OK,喜欢跳舞well done。perfect非常棒啊OK now let's go on how about next picture what can we see我们看到了谁呀?who's he he's grandfather together read of me grandfather.grandfather well done,grand grand.father to get her grandfather well done,OK,这里的d呀,也可以是不发音的啊。so we can say grandfather. we can also say grandfather.有没有这个d的音都没关系的啊?OK,那我to get her grandfather grandfather。grandfather,grandfather,well done,OK,and we can also say grandpa.爷爷或者外公也可以被称作为grandpa grandpa。grandpa clear OK,记住了没有grandpa。well done,OK,now I say grandfather,you say grandpa,I say grandpa,you say grandfather.

okay,let's have a try grandfather.grandpa.grandfather.grandpa.excellent OK,非常棒,so do you know what does your grandfather like?嗯,for example,that's he like running。does he like walking the dog,他喜欢遛狗吗?does he like cleaning the cage,喜欢擦笼子吗?

还擦鸟笼吗?然后改。does he like嗯washing dishes喜不喜欢洗碗,or maybe yes,maybe no OK never mind。now,what's gone? how about next picture? who's she?she's grandmother yes great again. grandmother read me grandmother.grandmother hex LAN要给grandmother,grandmother。哎,这里的d呀,依然是可以不发音的啊,grandmother OK,we can also say grandma to get her。

grandma.grandma,grandma,grandma.excellent,OK,now I say grandmother,you say grandma,I say grandma,you say grandmother,OK,let's have a try.grandma grandmother.grandma.excellent OK well done,非常棒啊,so what does your grandmother like?does she like cooking?喜欢做饭吗?OK,does she like talking with you?哎,喜不喜欢和你聊天?yes,great,okay,well done. now let's see the picture we have,father.mother.grandfather,

grandmother,brother,sister,so this is AH.family together read after me family.family.great OK啊,有哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹,还有爷爷奶奶,外公外婆,爸爸妈妈组成了家庭啊,the family means。家庭家OK。嗯OK好,那今天呢?

let's have a review啊,和老师一起来复习一下,the first one how to read it。grandpa yes,great okay嗯,grandpa we can also say grandfather read me grandfather。grandfather well done OK,非常棒啊!so grandpa grandfather means爷爷啊!或者是外公。next picture,do you know the word?she's a yes great okay grandma to get her grandma.grandma嗯,grandma的意思。

奶奶we can also say grandmother to get her grandmother。well done非常棒啊,奶奶或者是外婆,how about next picture,how to read the word?you say mother to get her mother.excellent,i'll get mother,mother we can also say mom to get her mom.嗯,我要加OK妈妈。嗯,有了妈妈,自然有爸爸,so how do you say the word with a father together father?

father嗯,father,we can also say dead together dead。well done,OK嗯,and next word how to read it,you can say brother together。brother.brother.excellent OK brother means.哥哥或者是弟弟嗯,那妹妹或者是姐姐we can stay sister together。sister.sister.excellent OK嗯,and you right好组成了一个family特别的family。well done,OK ay,perfect。嗯,有grandpa and grandma's children。maybe we can all them mother or father哎,爷爷奶奶哎,他们的外公外婆,他们的孩子叫做什么?mother或者是father,right?OK,那爸爸妈妈哎生的宝宝还就是你的哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹,还有你了,right?OK brother,sister and you,哈哈,OK,我要加now,let's have some practice。so look at the pictures and.please tell me who are they?谢谢小妹。OK,actually they are my family,so I will show you some pictures and try to.say the sentence OK,so the first picture can you tell me who's she?

she is my mother,yes,great OK好,不要直接告诉老师,mother尝试着用句子来告诉老师OK?so how about next picture can you tell me?who's he?bravo,he's my father. well done,OK,now let's go. how about next person?who's she,他是谁呢?she's my.sister excellent OK,用句子来说非常棒OK,she is my sister。how about next person who's he?is my.brother yes,great OK,how about next person? can you tell me?who's she?she's my grandmother,yes,excellent,OK,and the last person.who's he?is my.

grandfather well done,okay,so this is a family. now let's go on,let's have more practice.so we can see the sentence. this is a photo of my blood,a mother.b found.c sister d bro there grand mother f.grandfather g family OK,so abcdefg make a choice which one is right.哪一个才是正确的呢?yes,great,i can we choose family啊?这是一张关于我家庭的照片。

sog is right。now let's go up。how about next sentence?my block is eighty seven years old,老师先不给你看图,你来选选看。a mother b father.c sister d grandmother.诶,要学会到问句问题当中去找到关键词啊,找到了关键词,我们的答案就轻而易举的知道了。OK TV have a check,我们一起来检查一下哎,你刚刚猜的对不对啊?

OK,look at the picture。dis right OK啊,他的年龄有87岁,那你看一下爸爸妈妈啊,还有妹妹跟这个姐姐。以及奶奶哪一个可能是这个年龄呀啊?dis right OK,你看后边是个。my blood is six years old,have a guess.也是来猜一下啊a mother bfa the rc brother d grandfather。six years old,yes,great,

OK,we choose cis,right?应该选择的是z这个选项。因为只有六岁嘛,对不对?妈妈和爸爸还有爷爷哎,怎么可能只有六岁呢?哎,六岁是做不了爸爸妈妈或者爷爷的。right? OK,let's go out.how about next sentence I love my.mother,so can you spell mother?

那这回来考我们的拼写了,来abcd,which one is right?sorry,OK,so we choose.啊a is right OK 5啊妈呃呃the mother。right?OK mother,注意好拼写mother mother,OK?how about next?my blood is eighty eight years old.how to spell grandfather?想一想,grandfather是怎么拼写的?yes,great I get which cis right grand grand.father,father,OK,perfect嗯,如果还没有的话,宝贝们记得要好好的巩固以上。look at the picture and choose ABC,which one is right.OK,我们来看一下。who's he,他是谁呢?

a brother bfa the rc mother look at the picture.he's a慢,right?这是一个男的,so can we choose see?no,we should say bye bye to mother,right?啊,我们首先要把c给排除掉,那a和b好,我们可以看到这幅图片cl意见是爸爸对吧?so we choose bis right father is right.brother是什么意思啊?弟弟或者是哥哥啊,弟弟哥哥还没有长大呢啊,没有这个图片看上去那么成熟so he is。father right,OK,how about next picture? let's see the picture and choose ABC,which one is right.a brother b sister.cm other which one is right,make your choice.yes,great,I guess cis right,look at the picture first,we should say bye bye to a brother.because.

she's a girl,right哈,这是一个女的,so we can't choose brother啊,我们应该选择的是。b和c当中的一个,那可以看图哎,这个人啊,年纪是比较大的,so we choose mother。OK,how about next one? look at the picture,a fat herb mother.c sister,which one is right?

can you have a guess那猜猜看诶,这道题目哪一个选项是正确的?yes,great OK,都选对了没有?we should see is right,OK?first we should say bye bye to father,right?OK,she's a girl。这是一个女孩子啊,不能选择a。首先咱们就把a爸爸给排除掉了。OK,好,来,接下来我们一起来看一下,这里应该选择的是sister,这里还是一个小女孩,对吧?年纪比较小so we choose。sister好,非常棒啊,那如果有错误的宝宝,OK,how do you spell father?can you have a try?a EU,which one is missing?

到底是哪一个字母丢了呢?how to spell father?OK,well done,we choose a is right,AH,right啊,far呃,the。a is missing啊,字母a丢失了,so we choose a OK father。father OK来最后一题,我们来选择一下brother。how do you spell brother?

到底是ur还是er还是ir呢?make your choice.做出你的选择吧。esg re a toker is righter VC呃呃呃我们的打隔音你还记得吗?the呃the brother好注意好它的拼写是er不是ur也不是ir。明白了没有?OK好,好,我们一起再来复习一下,let's have a review,so do you remember how to say爷爷爷怎么说的?we say grandfather,yes,great OK,grandfather,那我们也可以叫做grandpa together。grandpa.excellent非常棒啊,那奶奶呢?会say grandmother to get her grandmother。grandmother.嗯,we can also say grandma to get her grandma。well done,okay,非常棒啊嗯。那爸爸怎么说啊?we say father。father yes,great,I给you宝贝已经抢答了,还可以叫做dead together dead。dad.嗯,father dad,那妈妈we can say mother to get her mother。mother well done also call her mom right again to get her mom.mom,well done.非常棒啊OK,那我们学习了哥哥或者弟弟we call him brother to get her brother。brother.well done,那这个妹妹或者是姐姐呢?sister great OK,

sister.sister.嗯,那这么些个人哎,组成了一个家庭,对吧?how do you say the word?family.family.嗯,非常棒啊,那我们这节课哎,它们是什么意思?啊,它们是怎么发音的?

我们的这个发音哈要正确掌握它正确的发音。不给那。通过刚刚的一些练习,对吧,如果以上诶这三点你还没有做到的。宝宝,那你可以下课的时候。嗯,好好的复习,巩固一下,把这些知识掌握到位。OK好,那关于今天这节课的内容,我们就上到这里了OK and do you remember?what's my english name,你们还记得我的英文名字吗?啊,是字母什么CC yes great OK my english name is CC。好,那在下节课上呢?依然是CC老师继续带领你们一起学习,好,要做好准备哦。好,好的,准备好了的宝宝呢诶,可以下节课继续跟CC老师一起好好上课哦。OK好,下节课我依然会考你啊,我的名字是什么的,所以请你们牢牢的记住哦。OK,小o,see you next time I say bye bye,you can say bye bye。hi sissy,OK,so let's have a try。拜拜,you can say bye bye。sissy has great,OK?so see you next time,拜拜。OK,拜拜。


















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